Personajes femeninos en la poesía popular religiosa de Chipre
Female characters in Cyprus' religious folk songs
La poesía popular religiosa grecochipriota cultiva una amplia variedad temática. En esta lírica, la referencia a personajes femeninos es constante y, entre ellos, se distinguen los que son identificables (Ana, Betsabé, Eva, la Virgen María, Marta y María de Betania, las Miróforas y María Magdalena) y los que no lo son (las discípulas de Jesucristo, una doncella, la madre de la doncella, grupos de mujeres y una mujer anónima). En este artículo, se localizan las informaciones que aluden a dichos personajes femeninos con el propósito de conocer lo que tales textos comunican acerca de ellos, lo cual desvela distintos aspectos de carácter religioso y social.
Cyprus᾿ religious folk songs cultivate a wide thematic variety. In this poetry, the reference to female characters is constant and, between them, they are distinguished those which are identifiable (Anne, Bathsheba, Eve, Virgin Mary, Martha and Mary of Bethany, the Myrrhbearers and Mary Magdalene) and those which are not (women disciples of Jesus Christ, a maiden, the maiden’s mother, groups of women and an anonymous woman). In this article, the information that alludes to those female characters is located with the purpose of knowing what those texts communicate regarding them, and this reveals several aspects of religious and social nature.