The Scramble for Cultural Supremacy in Greece. Great Power Campaigns on Neutral Grounds, 1936‐1940

  • Hagen Fleischer
Palabras clave: World War II, Cultural propaganda/imperialism, Great powers, Nazi Germany, «Kulturpolitik», German Academy [Deutsche Akademie], Greece, Great Britain, France


Only scant attention has been paid to cultural propaganda on the eve (and in the early stages) of WW II. This is particularly due for comparative investigations. The success or otherwise of such propaganda, however, can not be judged in isolation, but must be contrasted with the achievements of the principal rivals in the field. This case study focuses on the strategies of the Great Powers, their different intentions and means of implementation, all of which became progressively clearer during the late 1930s when the ambiguous twilight of appeasement was increasingly illuminated by lightning flashes from the gathering storm.
